Leather Naturally is the Association that is acting on behalf of the leather industry to promote the use of sustainably produced leathers. Just recently, a proposal for a global digital campaign has been shared with the industry for crowdfunding attracting good response. It is expected that with a full funding, the campaign is ready to start soon this year.

Dr Ivo Reetz, R&D manager of leather at Pulcra is stating: "At Pulcra Chemicals, a company with more than 120 years of history, we believe that the sustainability of our leather chemicals and chemical processes is our best investment in the future. Furthermore, we are supporting our customers with our expertise in the responsible and safe use of chemicals. Thus, we are very excited about joining Leather Naturally since we believe in Leather as a traditional material which can fit perfectly with all contemporary requirements of sustainability."

Muhammad Musaddiq, chairman of Siddiq Shafi Group adds: "Leather being such a comfortable, breathable and warm natural material for the shoes, leather goods, furniture and automotive industries is not replaceable by any synthetic man-made material that has such durable, sustainable and aesthetic appeal to the consumers. The oil based industries with huge marketing budgets to promote synthetic materials to replace leather and others NGOs who blame tanners on certain pretext environmental issues have to be informed by Leather Naturally that tanners are doing a big service to the world environment by converting the raw hide and skins into a valuable material for useful consumption. If not done like this, it could be a big hazardous task to get rid of raw hides, and leather/products are environmentally tally sustainable while synthetic replacements are not."

Tom Eberle, the general manager of Hermann Oak Leather commented: "Hermann Oak Leather has been tanning natural vegetable leathers for the equestrian market since 1881. We see value in sharing the story of leather and joining with Leather Naturally is a great way get this story into the media.  Hermann Oak is in agreement with Leather Naturally’s purpose and values. We are glad to be in partnership with Leather Naturally."