Gobba Leather, a tannery producing furniture, automotive and footwear segments, has become the latest company to join the Brazilian Leather Certification of Sustainability (CSCB).

The company has been certified by ISO 9001 for almost 20 years; however, the current market's high demands exceed the aspects contained in this certification. "Therefore, our adhesion to the CSCB aims to meet demands, especially in the socio-environmental field," the director of Gobba Leather said.

Gobba Leather is working on the 173 indicators of the programme, in criteria such as water and energy consumption, restricted substances, productive performance, waste management and employee relations. Soon, the company will be able to request an audit by the body accredited by Inmetro for certification – Instituto Falcão Bauer, in São Paulo.

CSCB has the support of Brazilian Leather, a project that stimulates exports of Brazilian hides and skins developed by the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).