Austin Simmons, chief executive of SATRA, has announced his intention to retire later this year. Simmons has served the research and testing organisation for 23 years’ and was originally employed to develop SATRA’s PPE testing and certification business and move the facilities to what was the new Wyndham Way site at Kettering, Northamptonshire, where he progressed to business area manager.

Simmons became assistant director in 2002, taking on responsibilities for a number of footwear related businesses before becoming an executive director in 2004. He was promoted to deputy chief executive in 2007 and then chief executive in July 2009.

The SATRA Board of Directors has placed on record its thanks for the outstanding contribution Austin Simmons has made to SATRA and wishes him a long, happy and well-deserved retirement.

The Board has confirmed that current deputy chief executive, John Hooker, will take over as chief executive in the summer.