Scottish Leather Group has awarded a £3 million, three-year contract to Edinburgh-based water firm Business Stream.

The UK's largest leather manufacturer will receive water and wastewater services under the deal, as well as support with disposing of trade effluent and water efficiency. Business Stream has worked with Bridge of Weir-based Scottish Leather Group since the Scottish water market was conceived in 2008.

Dr Warren Bowden, sustainability and innovation director at Scottish Leather Group, said: “It’s fantastic to be working with a water retailer that understands and supports our sustainability ambitions. Over the years we have worked hard to reduce our water use to half the European industry average and we will continue to work with Business Stream to identify greater environmental and operational efficiencies.”

Business Stream, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Scottish Water, is the biggest operator in the Scottish non-domestic water market. It employs over 400 staff at its offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Worthing and Bradford.

“We have developed a strong partnership with Scottish Leather Group and worked closely with them to support their sustainability goals,” said chief executive Jo Dow. "We are delighted this partnership is continuing and we are looking forward to helping deliver further environmental and financial benefits for the company."