This development comes during a crucial period in which the government has encouraged Sri Lankan entrepreneurs to take a step forward to invest in the manufacturing industry, the company said in a media release.

“This is part of our business-related integration initiatives under the 2020-2022 strategic plan and a much needed investment to manufacture the raw materials that is being used for footwear manufacturing. It will also cut down the supply chain and logistics lead time when it comes to sourcing materials while we can reduce the much needed foreign exchange spent on imports. Another benefit to the country and its economy is the provision of additional employment to the youth of our country. With the in-house training in skills development, it gives a much needed boost to improving the inherent talents of these employees,” said Managing Director of DSI, Kasun Rajapaksa.

DSI endorses the government’s initiative to control imports and encouragement given for the manufacturing sector during a period when the country is yet recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The current interest rates reduction from the banking sector is a move in the right direction, and it provided the impetus to go ahead with this investment.

D. Samson Industries (Pvt) Ltd is the largest footwear manufacturer in Sri Lanka with over 3,000 employees in the footwear plants; while DSI Samson Group provides over 10,000 direct jobs. The group also provides over 5,000 indirect jobs by way of sub-contracting and support services across its 25 companies.