At this year’s All China Leather Exhibition, Shanghai (ACLE), Stahl will be present more than ever before. At the most important global leather fair Stahl will have an exhibition stand as always and will offer a series of digital webinars focusing on a range of relevant topics for various stakeholders and clients. The company is committed to supporting the leather industry during challenging times and will service customers who are present at the fair as well as those who will participate from around the world. 

Xavier Rafols, global director leather chemicals at Stahl: "As part of Stahl’s company policy we strictly follow the most recent guidance from both national and international health authorities with respect to preventing the spread of the virus. With the coronavirus pandemic having been brought under control in China, Chinese authorities encourage events like ACLE to happen and actively support this initiative. We are looking very much forward to see our customers and partners at the fair in September and will naturally take all necessary safety measures into account to ensure both our employees and the visitors are protected.”

John Fletcher, corporate affairs director at Stahl, adds: “Alongside Stahl’s presence in the Shanghai fair this year we will also serve those clients who are based in remote locations by offering expert content with a focused series of webinars. Topics will vary from ESG-related presentations to information about our latest technical innovations.”

More details will be announced soon, and interested people can subscribe to Stahl’s newsletter to receive more information.