IULTCS’ "Chromium and Leather Research: A balanced view of scientific facts and figures" has received global acclaim, and the executive committee has received reports where this material has been used successfully to allay fears and ensure meaningful debate about the use of chromium tanning compounds.
Chromium III, used exclusively by the leather industry, can be used safely and the formation of unwanted chromium VI can be managed, things the entire leather industry has an obligation to promote.
So to ensure a better understanding of chromium chemistry, the presentation has now been translated and is now available in six languages, including English, Chinese, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese, and Portuguese. All are available on the IULTCS website under "IULTCS Information Releases".
The next IULTCS executive meeting, on March 31 during the APLF in Hong Kong, will address the International Union Chemical Commission’s development of a standard for "Critical Chemical Substances in leather" along with appropriate leather test methods. Increased testing and restricted substances lists (RSLs) that have little meaning or relevance for leather is an increasing burden for the industry. During the IULTCS meeting, the executive will also review updates and progress from its other Commissions involved in leather testing, environment, training, and research.