The Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) is planning to build three more leather industrial estates in the next five years, which will create more than 400,000 jobs. The plans come as a response to what they see as the administration’s failure to make the Tannery Industrial Estate built on the bank of the Dhaleshwari river in Savar functional. Under the plans, the BSCIC wants to establish a leather industrial park on the 200 acres of land next to the Industrial Estate, to be used for the processing of raw hide and backward linkage.

The corporation will build a leather and engineering industrial park in Rajshahi, primarily for finished products, and a backward linkage unit that could generate upwards of 50,000 new employment opportunities.

The BSCIC is also planning an industrial park in Chattogram for leather and light engineering industries on 500 acres at Mirsarai, targeting to create around 250,000 jobs. They expect to start the project in fiscal 2022-23 after getting approval from regulatory authorities. However, the cost has not been estimated yet.