Workers in Hong Kong’s leather industry are among the lowest paid in the city, according to China’s national statistical office.


The lowest hourly net pay of $17.38 was reported in the clothing and textiles industry, followed closely by the leather industry with an hourly net wage of $17.46. The security services sector was marginally better with $17.53.


The highest net hourly wage was reported from the air transport sector, with $58.29, followed by the advertisement industry and market research with $54.36, and then the IT sector, with $50.07.


The average hourly net pay in January 2015 was $32.55, an increase of 3.1% from December and 6.1% from the same period in 2014. The average gross hourly pay in January was $45.77, up 3% from December and 3.8% from January 2014.