Giulio Tandura, Assomac president, at the end of his second year was re-elected for a further two-year term. During his speech Tandura analysed the crisis with a good dose of realism to the audience.

‘Worries about technology purchases in the market were the inevitable consequence of the difficulties Assomac client companies were experiencing in world markets. And while 2008 saw an 11% drop in the technology sector, unfortunately the first quarter of 2009 has witnessed a drastic plunge of -44,66% in exports’, he said.

Tandura suggested looking for solutions at home in Italy, first of all by putting expenditure ‘under the microscope’. But the president also urged members to reconsider previously mooted ideas concerning closer cooperation and synergy within the industrial process.

He mentioned the inevitable difficulties currently being experienced by Simac and Tanning Tech, the main international trade fair for tanning and footwear technology in the leather and shoe industries.

President Tandura then went on to sum up the meeting, outlining four priorities for Assomac members in the coming year. These include the reorganisation of costs, HR management for employees who were no longer sustainable on current budgets, supply levels which are currently outstripping demand – leaving companies open to buyer manipulation and the need to manage downsizing. If the final point was left to market forces ‘the consequences will be truly awful’ he said. Tandura claimed that he was in no way exaggerating – it was important for Assomac members to ‘regain control over the reins of our destiny’, he told the assembly.