TFL will present the topic “Bisphenols in Leather” at the Freiberg Leather Days, co-organized by VGCT and FILK from June 28th to 29th 2023. Dr. Jens Fennen, Global Head of Research & Development, will provide an insight into the regulatory situation of Bisphenols as well as an overview of new technical solutions for tanners to meet future legal requirements.

TFL participates in the FILK-Session “Bisphenols in Leather”

Tanners around the world face serious challenges related to new legal restriction of bisphenols.

As part of a session dedicated to the topic of bisphenols, Dr. Jens Fennen will provide a roadmap of the implementation of bisphenol-related regulations in the leather industry until 2030 and beyond. In addition, technical solutions will be presented, demonstrating how the challenges posed by these regulations can be addressed with newly developed products, including genuine syntans with high tanning power and high fastness. The session will conclude with a joint discussion involving all speakers.

The presentation will take place on June 28th in the afternoon. TFL is looking forward to a broad audience at the event.