With its figures on the rise, Spanish fair Futurmoda (for materials used in the footwear and artifact sectors) recently came to a close having had the participation of four Brazilian tanneries: Best Brasil, Nova Kaeru, Courovale by BCM and Dueñas Couros. The companies were supported by the Brazilian Leather Project, an initiative of the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) to expand the Brazil's leathers in the international market.

The growth in visitors and exhibitors at Futurmoda is one of the highlights pointed out by José Fernando Bello, the CICB's executive president, who accompanied the Brazilian group at the event. "The increase shows that this market – which is already consolidated – is following a positive trend for 2019. We had excellent contacts for Brazilian companies," he notes. He also emphasises that Spain is one of the European countries that's recognised for its consumption of top quality leather for the production of artifacts and footwear- segments that are highly relevant to Brazilian leathers.

About Brazilian Leather –  As a leather sector internationalisation project, Brazilian Leather is conducted by the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB) in partnership with Apex-Brasil (the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency). There are numerous strategies for consolidating national leathers and hides in foreign markets – encouraging the participation of tanneries in the principle global trade fairs and business missions focused on closer relations between Brazilian suppliers and buyers from other countries are but two of them.