Baby Leather and Sean Couros are seeking the Brazilian Leather Certification of Sustainability (CSCB).

They're the newest participants in the certification program, which promotes better environmental, economic, and social practices within Brazil. The CSCB has the support of the Brazilian Leather project, which stimulates the export of Brazilian hides and is developed by the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).

Take a look at what both companies have to say about this new stage in their industrial and productive processes:

"By entering the CSCB program we mean to assure the best working conditions for all our collaborators, ratify the fact that all our processes/products satisfy current legislation, and systematize our work so that our efforts may also generate further economic results”, André Sehnem, export manager from Baby Leather. The company is located in Estância Velha (RS) and is a specialist in finished leathers for the fashion sector.

“Upon analysis of the CSCB concept proposal, we found that its central ideas meet those that we value and prioritise. Adheirng to the certification and its indicators will bring innumerable benefits and strengthen public confidence of our tannery in the marketplace” Klaus Schneider, manager of Sean Couros. The company is located in Ivoti (RS) and specialises in vegetable tanned leathers and other finished leathers for the footwear and artifact segments.