Tomas Lipop of Salisbury College scooped first prize in the British Glove Association’s national celebrity design competition 2005 with his glove design for boxer Chris Eubank. Salisbury College has also claimed the Silver Salver, awarded to the college judged to have contributed the best series of designs from the 50 highest scores.

Prizes will be presented by Betty Boothroyd at a prestigious award ceremony, to be held at Skinners Hall in the City of London on July 5, 2005. Tomas wins £500, a framed certificate and a work experience placement with Dents of Warminster. The runner-up prize went to Katie Hughes of the University of Lincoln for her design of a glamorous glove for Kim Woodburn of "How Clean is your House" fame.

Students from 150 design colleges were invited to enter this year’s competition which raised funds for the NSPCC.

Entrants were required to design an original glove or a poster promoting safety in the workplace using the image of any one of the following NSPCC supporting celebrities: Paul Daniels, Charlie Dimmock, Chris Eubank, Nick Faldo, Aggie MacKenzie, Tommy Walsh and Kim Woodburn.

The aim of the competition was to encourage students to create practical yet original glove designs. The judges looked for designs that show commercial awareness such as ease of manufacture and saleability. The panel of judges come from all areas of the gloving industry, including manufacturers, designers, tanneries, importers and department store buyers.