The project included a complete overhaul of the existing laboratory facilities and the installation of new state-of-the-art equipment which will enable a customer’s production environment, both wet-end and leather finish, to be copied. It gives the technicians ample space and opportunity to develop new technologies, train customers in the laboratory and work together on special tailor-made projects.

In his opening speech Huub van Beijeren underlined the responsibility that Stahl has accepted over many years towards reducing the environmental impact of ethical topics related to the leather industry.

Recent developments have attracted strongly growing interest in Stahl’s latest technology, Stahlite, a revolutionary technology that reduces the weight of the finished leather by 30 – 40% while retaining its full and luxurious appearance. Originally designed for the aviation industry it has since rocketed into the automotive industry with huge success. The innovative technology is completely different from solutions offered by others: in that both the strength and thickness of the leather are maintained instead of just reducing the thickness of the leather. Stahlite is cost-efficient and environmentally friendly because it requires shorter production times, less water, less power and fewer chemical processes.