Digital printing business Agfa has started legal proceedings within the Unified Patent Court (UPC) against Gucci, a luxury brand under the ownership of Kering. The allegation pertains to Gucci’s alleged utilisation of Agfa’s patented leather printing technique in the creation of its product line.

This legal action targets several subsidiaries of Gucci, including Germany and Belgium, with Agfa asserting that Gucci has infringed upon its EP 3 388 490 patent. This patent encapsulates a proprietary method for the production of decorative imagery on natural leather.

The litigation has been officially lodged at the Hamburg division of the Unified Patent Court, where Judge Sabine Klepsch presently presides. In this legal endeavour, Agfa will be represented by the patent teams from Brinkhof, a Dutch law firm, as well as Vossius, a mixed law firm from Germany.