Since more than 53 years Cartigliano studies, designs and manufactures Systems for the fundamental passage of the leather from wet to dry stage.
The very delicate phase of leather transformation from wet to dry becomes the most important process to convey to the leather an ADDED VALUE.
Cartigliano Systems of opening, drying, conditioning and softening can give to any type of leather special features, such as DIMENSIONING (same thickness in each point of the leather, area is maximised), AESTHETIC (same grain all over the leather surface) and TACTILE (hand, roundness, soft, desired final elasticity).
Cartigliano systems increase the value of this important industrial passage granting a well-defined production, which can be reproduced one leather after the other one with an ABSOLUTE CONSTANCY, REPEATABILITY, UNIFORMITY and STANDARDIZATION of the product.
Cartigliano works in team with Clients to find the best solution, improves their crust on a high quality level, grants a considerable upgrading of the product.
Leather treated with Cartigliano Technology emphasizes its characteristics of dimensioning, aesthetic and tactile; the same leather will need then only a light finishing, which will be less invasive, less expensive and less showy on the leather.


  • MORE NATURAL LEATHER (it does not need a massive finishing intervention on the leather, that would degrade it)

Cartigliano studies one machine after the other one, to combine the best features in mechanical and physical science: this is the secret to obtain the best long lasting performance on Cartigliano machines.