In the last month, four more leading tanneries and a university have joined Leather Naturally. The image of leather is at stake and the industry is realising how important it is to unite with all value chain members, including national and regional leather organisations. Leather Naturally is pleased to take its role to globally promote leather. 

Sylvain Bussiere, Wolverine’s vice president and general manager, says: "Wolverine Leathers sees leather-making as an industrious craft, the integrity of the leather goes through the passion to craft it, some continuous education to provide to the end consumer. The leather industry must embrace all initiatives promoting ethicality through the production of a true sustainable product".

According to Micaela Topper (AI Topper-Australia): "We see the social license landscape of the leather industry as changing rapidly with the growth of the ‘sustainable fashion’ movement, and a generational shift in thinking towards eco-consumerism across all purchasing behaviours. We believe that now is a critical juncture at which we – as an industry – have the opportunity and collective responsibility to promote leather as an ethical and sustainable natural resource."

Rachel Garwood, Director ICLT comments similarly. "ICLT, being leaders in International leather research and education, look forward to working with and supporting the Leather Naturally initiative in raising the profile of leather both as a luxury material and exciting career choice. This is something close to the hearts of all who work at ICLT."

Mike Redwood, spokesperson for Leather Naturally adds that "Leather Naturally is preparing a promotional plan to present to the industry for support. For maximum exposure and effect it will be important that we closely work together with national leather organisations and make use of each other’s contacts and in-depth knowledge of local markets. In the meantime, Leather Naturally will start highlighting the beauty and sustainability of leather via Instagram and other social media and continue improving its website."

About Leather Naturally

Leather Naturally promotes the use of globally-manufactured sustainable leather and seeks to inspire and inform designers, creators, and consumers about its beauty, quality and versatility. Leather Naturally’s members are tanneries, leather chemical manufacturers and brands.