Curtume Moderno has become the most recent company to join CSCB, the programme promoted by the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB), with assessments carried out by certifying bodies accredited by Inmetro (the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology).

"The Brazilian Leather Sustainability Certification (CSCB) enhances the company’s commitment to a delineated work method and improves our vision towards to the market and society," said Rafael Coelho, director at Curtume Moderno.

Curtume Moderno now enters a consultancy and training stage, working under the 173 indicators based on high standard practices from within the three pillars of sustainability: economy, the environment, and social responsibility.

These indicators were created by a Special Study Committee from ABNT (the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) – which, according to Rafael, provides an important standardization of production processes.

"The programme delineates norms that help guide our operations. In a country with such a complex legislation, CSCB will serve as the baseline for the public entity to carry a more accurate assessment of the sector", says Coelho.

After the consultancy stage, the tannery is ready to order an audit by a certifying body accredited by Inmetro in order to obtain the certification. CSCB holds four levels: Bronze (for those who follow up to 50% of the indicators applicable from each of the four dimensions), Silver (75%), Gold (90%) and Diamond (100%).