Brazil’s efforts to encourage sustainability into its leather industry got a boost with the confirmation of four new members joining its Leather Certification of Sustainability scheme (CSCB). The new signatories to the scheme are Couros, Finileather Couros, Soubach Special Leathers, and Couros Nobre. All have signed up to a set of standards that seek to improve the environment, social and economic performance of tanneries in the South American country.

Denise Zaca Bandini of Zas Couros said: “We've observed that our sector is seeking more sustainable practices for the future of the leather industry and future generations. Our expectation in joining the CSCB is to continue the work we've already done and be open to improvements in order to ensure product quality, safety, and human well-being.”

Meanwhile, Rafael Luis Petry at Finileather Couros e Acabamentos said his company recognised that the CSCB is a major step for the leather industry in terms of sustainability. “Our company believes that this certification will create parameters for the sector, helping to constantly improve its processes with the seal of the three pillars of sustainability: economic, environmental, and social.”

“Beyond our own concern to actively contribute to the preservation of the environment, we realise that consumers are increasingly valuing positive environmental practices,” said Pedro Tunholi of Soubach Special Leathers. “Therefore we have chosen to join this important programme, which will certainly strengthen our trust and relationship with clients and make us even more competitive in the prospection and conquest of new markets”.