Despite the unfavourable economic situation and the problems linked to the new markets and the overvaluation of the euro, the world’s most prestigious tannery-machine technology and chemical products fair is sending out good signals. At the present time, there are 248 exhibitors (slightly more than there were in 2003), and the net exhibit area has also increased, now covering 1,100 more sq m than it did in the last edition.

Tanning-Tech’s expansion into pavilions 31 and 32 has permitted the organisers to fulfil the various expansion requests, especially those coming from the chemical products sector.

However, the number of exhibiting countries decreased from 25 to 21.

As usual, several official delegates, invited by Assomac and by the Institute of Foreign Trade, will be present at Tanning-Tech. Also invited tanneries come from the following countries: China: one of the most important market outlets; Vietnam: a delegation that was also invited because of Assomac’s promotional initiative that’s currently under way in the Asiatic countries; Iran: this is the continuation of a promotional initiative that began a few months ago with a sector check-up and a seminar held on June 21 in Teheran; Egypt: this invitation forms part of Assomac’s ongoing promotional project on the occasion of the creation of Cairo’s new ‘Leather District’; former Soviet Republic of Central Asia: this initiative was also undertaken for the purpose of getting better acquainted with a heretofore-unexplored region; Argentina: a delegation of Argentine tanneries will visit the event.

Tanning-Tech: October 26-29, 2004, Venue: Bologna Fairgrounds, Entrance: Viale Aldo Moro, Piazza Costituzione, Viale Michelino.

Opening hours: October 26,27,28: 9 am to 6 pm; October 29: 9 am to 2 pm