In the four months through April, Brazil exported 48.74 million pairs of shoes, generating US$440.2 million. This is a drop of 9.3% in volume and an increase of 1 .3% in revenue compared to the same period last year, reports the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados).

Looking at only April, 10.3 million pairs were exported for US$111.76 million, decline in both volume (-20.7%) and revenue (-2%) compared to April 2022.

Abicalçados chief executive Haroldo Ferreira says that the drop in North American imports, in general, has been impacting the country’s footwear industry, because the United States is the main destination for exports.

“There is a slowdown in the US economy. In the first quarter, US footwear imports overall fell by 26%. Local retailers sold less than expected and are readjusting their inventories,” Ferreira says, noting that Argentina has overtaken the United States as the main importer in 2023. In addition to this problem, Ferreira lists international inflation and the slowdown of some of the main European economies as impediments to the better performance of footwear shipments.

The main destination for footwear exports in the four-month period was Argentina, where 4.96 million pairs were shipped, generating US$ 82.53 million. This is down by 8.2% in volume and up 4by 3.7% in revenue compared to the same period of 2022.

Second was the United States. In the period, 3.84 million pairs were shipped there, generating US$75 million, declines in both volume (-55%) and revenue (-37%) compared to the same period last year.

In third place was France, where 1.44 million pairs were exported for US$21.45 million, drops in both volume (-60.8%) and revenue (-16%) compared to the same period of 2022.

With regard to footwear imports, they continue to rise in Brazil. In the four-month period, 12.5 million pairs entered the country for US$145.56 million, higher in both in pairs (+3.4%) and in revenue (+20%) compared to the same period last year.

The main origins of imports continue to be Asian countries.