Net export sales for the period ending February 20th were 647,500, which was 96% above last weeks 330,900 and 78% above the previous four-week average. Two weeks ago, sales were 183,200. This week’s total was above the year to date average of 300,800. Destinations were:

China 461,700
Korea 79,700
Taiwan 38,200
Japan 19,200
Mexico 16,900
Thailand 8,100
Vietnam 6,700
Germany 6,500
Hong Kong 3,900
Turkey 2,400
Italy 1,200 +3,300 kip


Weekly shipments against previous sales were 569,500, which was 47% above last weeks 386,700 and 42% over the previous four week average. Two weeks ago, the total was 320,200. The year to date average is 424,629. Outstanding sales rose to 2,967,000. This was up from both 2,885,600 last week and 2,940,000 two weeks ago. Source: Don Ohsman